Delivered Directly To You True, Transparent & Timely Vessel Emission Data


  • Data Subscription
  • Dashboard View
  • Data Integration API
  • Maintenance-Free
  • Managed Hardware
  • 1-Hour No-Downtime Install
  • Waste-Heat Powered
  • Integrated Satellite Modem


  • SOx Fuel Switch Detection
  • ECA Zone Monitor
  • Fuel Switch Cost Optimization Data

“Responsible operators have applied some conservative assumptions to their procedures so that they can be certain they comply. [SeaARCTOS] data is beginning to show the cost/impact of those conservative assumptions.  Also, the regulations are clear but hard to enforce because vessel non-compliance is difficult to detect. [SeaARCTOS] technology provides a cost-effective means to determine compliance, or non-compliance, for each individual vessel.”

            Rear Admiral John Nadeau, US Coast Guard (ret)

We Couldn’t Do This Alone

Shipping, science, chemistry, engineering and analytics

The multiple disciplines that work in concert to bring you the ARCTOS-1


Replacing 19th and 20th century intelligence gathering with actual, real time intelligence to enable meaningful emissions monitoring and helping to counter climate change.

Our Development Partners

By sitting on the top of the vessel’s stack and regularly sampling the actual exhaust we monitor levels of CO2, CH4 and SO2 in the exhaust.